Risks of Transfusion

Bruce D. Spiess, MD, FAHAIntroductionBlood transfusion has evolved into a mainstay medical therapy. It has never undergone efficacy and safety testing the way in which a drug would be tested for approval by the US Food and Drug Administration.[1,2] Today, some 107 years after Karl Landsteiner discovered the ABO histocompatibility antigens, we are still learning […]

Characteristics of Patients Prescribed Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

Characteristics of Patients Prescribed Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, Angiotensin Receptor Blockers, or the Combination at an Urban Medical CenterGhania Masri, MD; Kristi Bledsoe, PharmD; Carlos Palacio, MD Abstract Background: The realization that angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors do not provide complete blockade of angiotensin II synthesis has resulted in an increased use of combinations of ACE inhibitors […]

FDA Safety Changes: Pexeva, Vfend, Suprane

News Author: Yael WaknineCME Author: Yael Waknine The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved safety labeling revisions to advise of the risk for serotonin syndrome in patients receiving concomitant treatment with paroxetine mesylate and triptans, drug interactions between voriconazole and efavirenz requiring dose adjustments for both drugs when used concomitantly, and the risk […]

ACP Addresses Potential Outcomes of Pay for Performance

News Author: Laurie Barclay, MDCME Author: Charles Vega, MD The American College of Physicians has issued recommendations to offset the potential adverse effects of pay-for-performance programs and to redirect the focus to the patient. Their position paper, which highlights the ethical implications of pay for performance and potential effects on the clinician-patient relationship, is published […]