Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Synonyms and related keywords: AD/HD, ADD, ADD/ADHD, ADHD, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, hyperkinetic impulse disorder, hyperactive syndrome, hyperkinetic reaction of childhood, minimal brain damage, minimal brain dysfunction, undifferentiated attention deficit disorder
Hand Washing Policy for Medical students
By Dr. Ramaz MitaishviliOur hands are the source of many infections. To ourselves and other healthy adults, the bacteria that is carried on ourhands does not pose a problem, but to anyone whose immune system is compromised, the result can be overwhelminginfection – and sometimes death.
Comfort Measures Policy for Children Hospital
By Dr. Ramaz MitaishviliCOMPETENCY: All students must read and understand the policy/practice. Any licensed staff currently checked-off in this skill may serve as a preceptor.
Common Sport Injuries
By Dr. Ramaz Mitaishvili – are a result of stress put on bones or muscles.– Most common are injuries to soft tissue – muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Dislocation – occurs when two bones are jolted apart at a joint and is often accompanied by a ligament tear in the joint. The pain is caused by […]
Pre-analytical source of errors
by Dr. Ramaz MitaishviliPre – analytical – involves all issues from test request to processing samplePatient Identification and labeling "zero tolerance" for patient misidentification (positive patient identification is the No. 1 step in the entire phlebotomy practice)identification bracelet and room numberwhen the patient is comatose or cannot communicate
Anesthesiology /Considerations for specimen collection
By Dr. Ramaz Mitaishvili Patient Preparation FactorsTherapeutic Drug Monitoring: different pharmacologic agents have patterns of administration, body distribution, metabolism, and elimination that affect the drug concentration as measured in the blood. Many drugs will have "peak" and "trough" levels that vary according to dosage levels and intervals. Check for timing instructions for drawing the appropriate […]
Complications in Blood Collection
by Dr. Ramaz MitaishviliBrief Lecture Plan for Medical School Instructor• Excessive Bleeding• Petechiae• Neurological Complications• Mastectomy• Edema• Obesity• Intravenous Therapy• Damaged, Sclerosed, or Occluded veins• Burned or Scarred Areas• Infections
Guidelines for the Management of Post-MI Patients in the Outpatient SettingsRamaz Mitaishvili, MDGina Gagua, LAc, PhD Introduction Compelling clinical trial evidence exists that antiplatelet, ß-blocker, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, and lipid-lowering therapies reduce the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events, hospitalization, and heart failure and substantially improve survival in Post MI patients. Despite this evidence as […]
Quality Assurance and Proficiency Testing for Newborn Screening
by Dr. Ramaz MitaishviliFor almost 30 years, CDC's Environmental Health Laboratory has been the only comprehensive source in the world for quality assurance and proficiency testing involving the testing of newborns for preventable diseases. If these diseases are not accurately diagnosed and treated, they cause mental retardation, severe illness, and premature death in newborns.
Some Tips for Examining Young Children
By Dr. Ramaz Mitaishvili 1. Examine a child sitting on parent's lap and try to be at the child's eye level.2. First examine the child's toy then the child and if possible let the child do some of the exam (e.g., move the stethoscope). Then go back and exam places "we missed".3. Ask toddler to […]