Tibolone Decreases Fracture, Breast Cancer, but Doubles Stroke Risk
Results of a randomized trial show that tibolone (Livial, Organon), approved for treatment of menopausal symptoms, has positive effects on fracture, breast cancer, and possibly colon cancer in women with osteoporosis over the age of 60 years but more than doubled the risk for stroke.
Almost All Articles On Cancer Prognostic Markers Report Statistically Significant Results
Almost All Articles On Cancer Prognostic Markers Report Statistically Significant Results: Commentary from F1000 Kyzas PA, Denaxa-Kyza D, Ioannidis JP Eur J Cancer 2007 Nov 43(17):2559-79 Commentary from Faculty Member Willi Sauerbrei This is a landmark review illustrating the severity of reporting bias in prognostic marker research. The article impressively illustrates one of the most […]
Keeping Patients Awake During Surgery?
Anesthesiologists’ Vital Roles in All Anesthetic Procedures Think anesthesiologists only keep patients “asleep” during surgical procedures? An “awake craniotomy” performed on Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy on June 2, 2008 should challenge that notion.
Report From the Front Lines: Study Probes Anesthesia Providers’ Role
Report From the Front Lines: Study Probes Anesthesia Providers’ Role in Improving Combat-Related Outcomes A study published in the July issue of the Journal Anesthesiology could be the impetus behind future prospective research exploring the hugely untapped potential of anesthesia providers (i.e., anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists) to improve outcomes in wounded military personnel.
New Study Finds Oral Cannabis Ineffective in Treating Acute Pain
A study published in the July issue of the Journal Anesthesiology discovered that oral cannabis (a form of medical marijuana) not only failed to alleviate certain types of pain in human volunteers but, surprisingly, it instead caused increased sensitivity to some forms of pain.
MedWatch – 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate Cloth Patient Preoperative Skin Preparation Product
MedWatch – 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate Cloth Patient Preoperative Skin Preparation Product recalled: bacteria contamination
Levitronix CentriMag Extracorporeal Blood Pumping System
Levitronix CentriMag Extracorporeal Blood Pumping System: CentriMag Primary Console (with v200 Application Software) Audience: Cardiothoracic healthcare professionals, perfusionists, hospital risk managers, biomedical engineers
FDA unexpectedly rejects Schering anesthesia drug
Schering-Plough Corp (nyse: SGP – news – people ) said Friday U.S. regulators had rejected Bridion, its drug to reverse the effects of anesthesia that had been heralded as a breakthrough product by analysts and was unanimously recommended by a federal advisory panel.
HHS waiving retroactive beneficiary cost sharing due to increases in payment under MIPPA
The HHS Office of the Inspector General has issued a policy statement that assures Medicare providers, practitioners, and suppliers affected by retroactive increases in payment rates under the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) of 2008 that they will not be subject to OIG administrative sanctions if they waive retroactive beneficiary cost-sharing amounts […]
ASA Achieves Historic Legislative Win of Monumental Proportions!
We helped secure enactment of H.R. 6331—aMedicare bill that includes an immediate positiveMedicare payment update and a permanentfix to the Medicare AnesthesiologyTeaching Rule, beginning in 2010!