Cord Traction Best for Placenta Removal With C-Section

As a method of placenta removal following cesarean delivery, cord traction is associated with fewer complications and a shorter hospital stay than is manual removal, according to a systematic review by Cochrane researchers.

Multidisciplinary Collaboration Needed to Incorporate Genomics Into Clinical Care

Multidisciplinary collaboration is needed to incorporate genomics into clinical care, according to scientists who have launched a new initiative to investigate potential uses of genetic testing in primary care. Their commentary on the topic, published in the July 29 issue of Nature Genetics, addresses the gap between research on gene–disease associations and the use of […]

SIDS Linked to Early Atherosclerosis

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) appears to be associated with early atherosclerotic lesions, according to a study presented on Sunday at the Argentine Congress of Cardiology. However, the mechanism of the association is unclear, the researchers said.

Gastric Aspiration, SIDS, and CPR?

Aspiration of Gastric Contents in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Without Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Krous HF, Masoumi H, Haas EA, Chadwick AE, Stanley C, Thach BT J Pediatr. 2007;150:241-246 Summary This study attempted to shed light on whether gastric contents are likely to be found in infants who died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Previous pediatric […]

UK Agency Urges Doctors to Cut Antibiotics

British doctors should slash the number of times they prescribe antibiotics for respiratory tract infections because the drugs rarely help, the country's drug cost watchdog said on Wednesday.

Vancomycin Underdosing Very Common in the Obese

More than 70% of obese patients do not receive adequate doses of vancomycin, possibly resulting in subtherapeutic concentrations, according to Dallas-based researchers. Criteria that are more stringent suggest that this may also be true of a much wider group of patients. In the June issue of the American Journal of Medicine, Dr. Ronald G. Hall […]