Cymbalta® is now approved for fibromyalgia

Cymbalta is a selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SSNRI) indicated in adults for Acute and maintenance treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) Management of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain (DPNP) Treatment of acute generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) The management of fibromyalgia, with or without depression Although the mechanism of the antidepressant action of Cymbalta in […]

Effective Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer Remains Elusive

Although therapeutic strategies have advanced for many common gastrointestinal cancers, significant progress in the treatment of pancreatic cancer remains elusive. The eagerly anticipated results of randomized trials that evaluated gemcitabine-based combination regimens have proven to be disappointing, researchers report in a review paper that discusses the use of systemic therapy in advanced pancreatic cancer. Whereas […]

High-Intensity Ultrasound Destroys Esophageal Tumors

Intraluminal high-intensity ultrasound appears to be an effective treatment for esophageal tumors, which are usually not amenable to curative resection, and can even achieve complete tumor necrosis, according to French researchers who are the first to use this approach in a small pilot study. Their findings are published online on June 5 by the Journal […]

Evaluation of an Internet-Based Psychological Intervention for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunctio

AbstractRecent research on the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) has focused on medical interventions, in particular oral medications. The current study examined the effectiveness of an internet-based psychological intervention for this condition. In total, 31 men (12 in treatment group, 19 in control group) completed the program. The results demonstrated that men who completed the […]

New Recommendations Issued for Treatment of Malaria in the United States

A systemic review of treatment of malaria in the United States, published in the May 23/30 issue of JAMA, provides recommendations to minimize morbidity and mortality of this disease. "Even though endemic malaria has been eliminated from the United States, it remains a leading infectious disease worldwide," write Kevin S. Griffith, MD, MPH, from the […]

Perspective: Carotid Stenting and the History of Disruptive Technology in Vascular Surgery

Introduction A disruptive technology can be defined as one that displaces a standard old method for performing certain functions because the new one is so clearly better. Examples of disruptive technologies would be the electric light displacing candle light, steam power displacing sail power for ships, jet engines displacing piston engines for long distance aircraft, […]

Review Addresses Strategies for Patient Adherence to Medications

A review published in the April 16 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews provides various methods of encouraging patients to adhere to their medications, but the reviewers suggest that there are significant limitations and that more research is needed.

AHA Statement Takes Aim at Hypertension Resistant to Triple-Drug Therapy

News Author: Steve StilesCME Author: Charles Vega, MD A new statement from the American Heart Association zeroes in on a group it says may make up 20% to 30% of patients with hypertension but has received only limited attention in formal guidelines, probably because they have been targeted in few clinical trials [1]. The document […]

Brazil Launches Cheap New Malaria Pill

Brazil launched a new treatment for malaria on Thursday, marking the latest step in a global programme to make cheap two-in-one pills available to millions at risk for the disease. The country's state-run drugmaker Farmanguinhos is working with the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi), a non-profit group based in Geneva, to bring the medicine […]

Acupuncture Can Relieve Hot Flushes Caused by Tamoxifen

Acupuncture reduced by half the hot flushes caused by tamoxifen in a small clinical trial involving 59 breast cancer patients after surgery. Relief was experienced both day and night, and the reduction in hot flushes was seen 3 months after the last acupuncture treatment. These results were presented today at the European Breast Cancer Conference […]