Tibolone Decreases Fracture, Breast Cancer, but Doubles Stroke Risk
Results of a randomized trial show that tibolone (Livial, Organon), approved for treatment of menopausal symptoms, has positive effects on fracture, breast cancer, and possibly colon cancer in women with osteoporosis over the age of 60 years but more than doubled the risk for stroke.
Keeping Patients Awake During Surgery?
Anesthesiologists’ Vital Roles in All Anesthetic Procedures Think anesthesiologists only keep patients “asleep” during surgical procedures? An “awake craniotomy” performed on Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy on June 2, 2008 should challenge that notion.
New Study Finds Oral Cannabis Ineffective in Treating Acute Pain
A study published in the July issue of the Journal Anesthesiology discovered that oral cannabis (a form of medical marijuana) not only failed to alleviate certain types of pain in human volunteers but, surprisingly, it instead caused increased sensitivity to some forms of pain.
MedWatch – 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate Cloth Patient Preoperative Skin Preparation Product
MedWatch – 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate Cloth Patient Preoperative Skin Preparation Product recalled: bacteria contamination
Levitronix CentriMag Extracorporeal Blood Pumping System
Levitronix CentriMag Extracorporeal Blood Pumping System: CentriMag Primary Console (with v200 Application Software) Audience: Cardiothoracic healthcare professionals, perfusionists, hospital risk managers, biomedical engineers
FDA unexpectedly rejects Schering anesthesia drug
Schering-Plough Corp (nyse: SGP – news – people ) said Friday U.S. regulators had rejected Bridion, its drug to reverse the effects of anesthesia that had been heralded as a breakthrough product by analysts and was unanimously recommended by a federal advisory panel.
ASA Achieves Historic Legislative Win of Monumental Proportions!
We helped secure enactment of H.R. 6331—aMedicare bill that includes an immediate positiveMedicare payment update and a permanentfix to the Medicare AnesthesiologyTeaching Rule, beginning in 2010!
Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication May Prove Effective for GERD
Transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) provides safe and durable antireflux therapy in a canine model, according to a report in the July Annals of Surgery.
Gender Affects Recovery Course in Pediatric Burn Patients
Female pediatric burn patients exhibit a reduced inflammatory and hypermetabolic response compared to male patients, according to a study published in the July Annals of Surgery.
Sentinel Node Dissection Before Preoperative Chemotherapy Improves Staging
In breast cancer patients with clinically node-negative disease, sentinel lymph node dissection (SLND) before preoperative chemotherapy is associated with accurate staging of the axilla, according to a report in the Archives of Surgery for July.